What Do I Have To Do To Become A Christian?
Repenting of your sins, calling on the name of Jesus and putting your trust in Him is what we call "becoming a Christian." There are no magic words you have to say to acknowledge Jesus as your Savior, but I've written out a little prayer below in case you would feel more comfortable with having guided words to say. If you give your life to Jesus, welcome to the family of God! I would love to hear from you and help you with resources to encourage you in your walk with the Lord because it's just that - a walk. Christianity isn't a one and done thing; it's a journey, and sometimes it's a rough journey. That's why this blog is here - to encourage you in your daily walk with God. Clinging to Jesus through the ups and downs, staying in His Word, surrounding yourself with other Christ-followers and living out of the overflow of His love is what God instructs us to do to live out our faith and bring glory to Him. Because it's all about Him.
"God, I know that I am a sinner in need of a Savior to rescue me. I repent of my sins and my ways, and choose to follow You today. I believe that Jesus died on a cross and rose from the grave to save me, and I accept Him into my heart and my life right now. Thank You for Your salvation. I ask You to open my heart and my mind to You and all that You have for me, and I ask for understanding of Your Scriptures as I seek You. Give me a desire to seek and to know You with all my heart. I pray that I will cling to You through it all, and that I will run the race of life well, giving glory to You in everything I do and say. In Jesus' name, Amen!"
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