Psalms 119:1-8
“1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! 2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, 3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways! 4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. 5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! 6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments. 7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. 8 I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me!”
vs. 1 - blessed - "happiness, used as an interjection (How happy!)"
vs. 1 - blameless - "integrity, blameless, without blemish, without spot, undefiled, whole"
vs. 1 - walk - "behave, follow, exercise, to go along, to go through, to live, to follow any manner of life, to go forward in any thing"
vs. 2 - keep - " to guard, protect, maintain, observe"
vs. 2 - testimonies - "precept, witness"
vs. 2 - seek - "to rub, beat or tread; to frequent; to follow; to worship; to search; to inquire or ask for; to study; to apply oneself; to demand"
vs. 2 - whole heart - "the heart, mind, will, feelings and intellect"
vs. 3 - ways - "trodden road, course of life, mode of action, journey"
vs. 4 - commanded - "to set up, to appoint, to delegate"
vs. 4 - precepts - "mandate, commandment, statute"
vs. 4 - diligently - "abundance, exceedingly, muchness, to a great degree"
vs. 5 - steadfast - "to be erect, established, firm, stable"
vs. 6 - shame - "to be disappointed or delayed, to fail in hope and expectation, to disgrace, to blush"
vs. 6 - eyes fixed - "to look intently at, to regard with pleasure and favor and care, to consider, to have respect, to behold or see"
vs. 7 - upright - "straightness, what ought to be done, that which is just or right or true"
vs. 7 - learn - "to chastise, to discipline, to train"
vs. 7. - rules - "judgement, a verdict, divine law, that which is just and according to the law, plan"
vs. 8 - keep - "to hedge about as with thorns, to keep watch, to guard, to protect and preserve, to observe, to honor, to worship, to take heed"
vs. 8 - utterly - "vehemence, wholly, diligently, strength and force, hastily"
vs. 8 - forsake - "to loosen, relinquish, to permit, to fail, to leave, to refuse, to let go, to desert, to cease"
What does this reveal about God's character?
God is our source of hope and happiness. Our hope lies in Him, and we find our happiness in obeying His precepts. God is a God of order and discipline. He set forth His laws from the beginning, and He expects us to be obedient. Just as a father disciplines his child, so God disciplines us when we stray from His commands. God is a teacher. He has paved the road and shown us in which way we should go through His Son, Jesus, who lived a perfect and blameless life.
1) Can I say that I walk in the ways of the Lord?
2) Do I obey His precepts? Or do I make my own rules?
3) Am I seeking the Lord with my entire being, wholly and fully?
4) Do I frequent the Bible?
5) Are my eyes fixed on His commandments?
Father God, thank you for your precepts that teach me your ways, the way in which I should go. Write your commands on my heart. Please keep them ever-present in my mind. Teach me your ways and how to walk in them. I thank you for showing me how we should live through the example of Jesus. Please keep my walk upright, and discipline me when I stray or disobey your commands. Keep me blameless in your sight, Lord. Thank you for your constant presence in my life, and for not deserting me when I fail. Let your praise continually be on my lips. In Jesus' name, Amen!