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Day 3: Loving Others

“Father God, I thank you for your love. In your great love, you reached down into the pit and saved my soul. You set me on high and gave me a seat in heaven. I ask for that same love to fill me up so that I may overflow onto others because you can’t give what you don’t have. Give me an understanding of the truth of your love. The world’s definition of love is so far off from what it truly means to love. So, I ask that you align my view with yours. Show me how to truly and fully love those around me. Lord, I want to love you in action and truth, not just in word and deed (1 John 3:18). Give me a love for people and a heart for the lost. So often It can be difficult to love people sometimes; this is something I’ve struggled with for a while. But, you haven’t called me to decide who is worthy of your love. If you had, then I myself would not be counted as worthy - none of us would. Instead, you have called us to show others the same love you bestowed upon us - free, unconditional and undeserving love. I pray I would walk in love so that I can live a life pleasing to you and so that I can point others to you. Let my life be a message of your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

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