
Day 27: Word of our Testimony
Father God, you say in your Word that we overcome and triumph over Satan through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). I thank you for the blood of Jesus that washes over me and cleanses me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:7). Lord, I pray that I would not shrink from telling others about you. I pray for holy boldness. I pray against all shame, fear, guilt, accusations and insecurities the devil attempts to throw my way to discourage me from sharing your Name with the world. I pray the enemy would be silenced in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 54:17, Revelation 12:10, Colossians 2:9-10). He may attempt to accuse me, but the blood of Jesus covers me and Satan’s attacks have no merit or standing here. Remind me of what you’ve done for me, Jesus (John 3:16-17, Romans 5:8); remind me of the power living in me that I have over Satan (Romans 8:11); remind me who I am in you (2 Corinthians 5:17, Genesis 1:27, 1 Peter 2:9, John 1:12). Please forgive me, Father, for the times I have allowed Satan to bring accusations against me, squelching my testimony. I declare that that stops right now in Jesus’ name. Lord, use me and my testimony to reach the lost for you. Thank you for your grace and your covering. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”