I recently watched a TV series called The Chosen. It is truly one of the most accurate and most engaging adaptations of the life of Jesus I have ever seen. I just love the way they depict the human nature of Jesus! So often we think of his divinity that we don’t always consider his humanity. Watching this series has changed not just how I relate to Jesus, but it has also increased my awareness of the details around the stories. One story in particular is the wedding at Cana. (John 2:1-12)
If you have not read it, the short(er) version is that there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Jesus, his mother (Mary), and his disciples were invited. Back then, weddings lasted for several days and at this wedding, they ran out of wine. To run out of wine was nothing short of an embarrassment. So, Mary acted. “When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ And Jesus said to her, What does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:3-5)
Mary seemingly did not take no for an answer. I believe Mary just did what so many believers do when life is completely out of your control. She leaned hard on God. She needed His help. She needed Him to show up in a way that only He could. She knew the shame the bride and groom were up against, and she also knew Jesus was the only one who could do something about it.
So, Jesus grants her request. He tells the servants to fill the jars with water and take it to the master of the feast. Not only had the water been turned to wine, but it was the best served wine of the entire celebration. Jesus turning the water into wine was an act of God. It was a divine act of mercy—something only God could do. But beyond that, we know Jesus performs this miracle at his mother’s request, which speaks to his human nature as well. On a God level, he performed a miracle. On a human level, he honored his mother and took part in an earthly celebration. But the two natures of Christ—his divinity and his humanity—cannot be separated as we attempt to know and treasure Him.
The two natures of Christ—his divinity and his humanity—cannot be separated as we attempt to know and treasure Him.
As we read the scriptures, it can be easy to project a distant, rigid persona onto God. But when we see and consider Christ, who is the fullness and fulfillment of God’s kind-hearted intentions as fully human, a different view of God takes shape.
Consider the portion of the story where the servants filled the jars of water to the brim. Six stone jars that could hold up to 20-30 gallons each and that is a lot of wine even for a modern-day wedding. Why fill them so high? Would not any amount of water turned to wine be miraculous enough? Remember, the jars were not somewhat or even mostly filled. They were as full as they could possibly be. So not only did Jesus take something ordinary (water) and turn it into something extraordinary (wine), but He made it so that it was plentiful. In this act we see a God who cares about provision, and about abundance, and the reality of God’s abundant provision should not be overlooked…in ALL things.
I can find myself thinking, why are miracles in such short supply these days? But they are not. By definition, a miracle is an event that cannot be explained by science or logic and is therefore considered to be the work (or provision) of divinity. When the doctors tell you someone won’t make it, but they do; when you are told miscarriage is so common that there are millions of cases every year, yet babies are still born and so many without issue; when a sinner repents and the angels rejoice (Luke 15:10). All of that is God doing what only God can do.
The miracles Jesus performed were always about more than just the miracles themselves. They were always deeply connected to the Father’s intention and rooted in revealing God’s ultimate desire—to provide life and life abundant.
Jesus says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10). Every impossible act pointing to the greatest miracle: eternal life that would be purchased and provided with great excess and celebration.
This is the greatest miracle of a Christian’s life, that God chose you and made you new, and even now is filling you to the brim with Jesus. Water can be transformed into wine, yes. More than that, sinners can be transformed into sons and daughters of the Most High God.
God chose you and made you new, and even now is filling you to the brim with Jesus.