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Hearing from the Lord

Writer: Jessica GreshamJessica Gresham

Recently I was asked by a new believer what it meant to hear from the Lord or how I knew God was the one talking to me. Well, first I want to say that I personally have not heard God’s voice audibly. O, how I wish I had, and one day when I stand face to face with him I will. What a beautiful day that will be! But, until then I rely so much on the work of the Holy Spirit and the part he plays in my daily walk with the Lord.

Hearing from the Lord can be tough for so many people. We think, “Is this really the Lord? Or is that me wanting my way? What if it’s a lie by the enemy?” So many questions can pop up, so being able to discern the voice of the Lord is so important.

My encouragement to anyone who is uncertain about whether they are hearing from the Lord is pray, seek GODLY counsel and read your word. The Spirit and the word will never contradict each other. So if you are hearing one thing and the word says another, then it’s probably not the Lord telling you those things.

More and more lately I am learning to actually listen and hear from the Lord. I am a big talker and one thing I was convicted of earlier this year was my prayer life and learning to shut my mouth and listen to God. Of course I still come to him and pray, making my request known but I make room for listening as well. It was a little awkward at first but when I finally learned to sit back and dig deep, the experience became so much more satisfying and fulfilling!

Like I said, I haven’t heard his voice audibly but daily I feel the Holy spirit speaking to me and directing my steps. Sometimes I don’t understand and some things have been out of my comfort zone, but through it all He has softened my heart and taught me to love others and see others in a way I never have before. The Holy Spirit lovingly convicts, actively engages and constantly reminds me of who I am in Jesus!

The Holy Spirit lovingly convicts, actively engages and constantly reminds me of who I am in Jesus.

The Christian walk is one of highs and lows but our constant is the relationship we share with our Father, author and perfecter of our faith!

My encouragement to you as sisters and brothers is to stop talking and start listening! Ask the Lord to speak to you and then be quiet. Ask Him to reveal more of himself to you and soak in the grace that has already been poured out for you.


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