What a joy to write to you as we close out summer and gear up for fall. We are blessed to know Who holds our fall. As a matter of fact, God knows the details of every victory, every challenge, every loss, and every disappointment we will face. We can have hopeFULL anticipation of how He will use each and every detail!
Do you like themes? I like themes for each season of ministry. It provides overall vision as we connect, worship, and serve together. The Lord impressed upon my spirit to choose Anchored for the fall. An anchor serves an important purpose for a boater especially when it is necessary to hold the boat in one place. My dad was a commercial fisherman for 10 year, and I weathered many bad storms on an anchored boat.
Imagine your life is like a boat on a storm-tossed sea. After all, we live in a tumultuous world.
Just like strong winds can take a boat off course, the strong voices of network news and social media can change our course away from God. Just like tides effect fishing, the shifting tides of pop culture can draw us into worldly living and make us less effective "fishers of men." Just like dark storm clouds hide the sun and moon, Satan's lies hide the light of biblical truth and leave us feeling disoriented and uncertain.
What we need is an anchor, and God reminds us of that anchor in Hebrews 6:19-20a.
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.
Where our forerunner Jesus has entered on our behalf.”
Jesus is our anchor. He can calm the winds with just a word. (Mark 4:35 - 41). He restores us when we fail. (John 21:15 - 17). His Word is the light we need for our path and in Him there is no darkness. (Psalm 119:105, 1 John 1:5).
Are you in a storm? Are the troubles and cares of this world tossing you about? Choose today to be anchored.
Anchored in the hope of Christ.
Anchored in the truth of God Words.
Anchored in your commitment to live for Him!
I believe in you sister! Place your hope in Jesus and allow Him to anchor you today!
Serving with Love,
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