Hi there! My name is Liv, well, it's actually Olivia . But, you can call me Liv. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 10 years, and we have three sons - Clark, Luke and Sam. Originally from Kentucky, I moved to Texas about 12 years ago, and am currently the Deaconess of Women's Ministry at Lighthouse Church.
Spiritual Background:
I was raised in the church my whole life, and first accepted Jesus when I was 5 years old. I attended a Christian school from kindergarten to 12th grade, so I was constantly surrounded by Christians. As I grew older, I placed judgments on those around me and viewed most of the Christians I knew as hypocrites. This way of thinking eventually led me to quit going to church in college. After years of maturing and healing (both spiritually and emotionally), I felt God leading me to get back into church. I found a wonderful, Bible-believing church, and reluctantly started to get plugged in. Looking back, I now know that I was wrong in leaving the church to begin with because He instructed us to love His people. He has called us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:23-25). My church community encourages and uplifts me, challenges me as iron sharpens iron, and loves me as Christ also loves them. So thankful for my church family!
On a Personal Note:
I come from a broken home. My father was an alcoholic and drug addict, and when I was 5 years old he left us. My mom was left with two young girls to raise. Thankfully, she trusted in God, and He was faithful to see her through. Although I was angry at my dad for leaving, he was still my dad and when he left I was devastated. I knew it was for the best for all of us....especially my mom, who suffered physical abuse by my dad. But, I was still daddy's little girl, so I took it really hard when he left. Eventually, I trained myself to forget he existed - it was easier that way. But, when I did think of him, it was cynically and resentfully. It wasn't until I was 23 years old that I realized I was harboring feelings of resentment, distrust, and even hatred toward God because of my dad. I blamed Him for taking my dad away - after all, He is sovereign and in control of all things, so why couldn't he make my dad change and stay. Once these thoughts and feelings came to the surface, I knew they needed to be dealt with, and fast. I repented for being angry with God for so long, and for something that wasn't even His fault. People are sinful and choose to do foolish things sometimes. Once I dealt with this, it was as if the wall between me and God that I had always felt present in my spiritual walk had been torn down. He became the Father I had always wanted and needed.
Another defining moment in my life happened 6 years ago. My husband and I were finally in a place where we felt good about starting a family; so, naturally, we were excited. It didn't take long for me to get pregnant, which I know is a blessing. But, about 2.5 months into the pregnancy, we lost the baby. My whole world shattered. I was already so invested in the little life inside me, and I felt as if we already knew each other so well. One of the hardest things to go through with a miscarriage in particular, is that people often don't allow you to grieve because there is no funeral - no proof of this little life except the overwhelming emptiness and loneliness you feel. I went through a bit of guilt (thinking I could have somehow prevented it), some depression, lots of pizza and ice cream, and even more crying and arguing with God over why He would allow this to happen. What I had to learn is that there are some things in life that are just downright horrible and we may never see how God will use these things for our good and His glory. You can drive yourself crazy perpetually asking 'why.' Sometimes, you just have to accept that we may never know this side of heaven why something happened. He is faithful, even when we can't see it in the moment.
Why I Started This Blog:
I knew God was calling me to teach His Word, so I setup the website way before I even got pregnant (the first time). However, I was busy and didn't take the time to make it a reality. It wasn't until after the miscarriage that I actually wrote my first blog. I wrote out of my brokenness, and allowed God to heal my heart through the words He gave. It's hard to see the good come out of the bad, but this blog is one thing birthed out of the pain and for which I am thankful.